December 14, 2023

Making a Vision Board for 2024, Getting Ready for Christmas, Enjoying Winter Time at Home

I was inspired by my favorite vlogger who introduced her vision board, and I created one for 2024. I often write down my daily goals and wish list on my planner and the memo app, and if I put a vision board on where I see often, I think my attitude will change.


First, to make clear about what I want to become in the future, I did brain storming.

  1. Write down your ideal lifestyle, appearance and other preferences in 10 years as many as possible.
  2. Based on things of the first section, set up small goals for the next year.
  3. Additionally, list what you plan to try in the coming year.
  4. Among the things you have written down so far, decide which elements should be included in a vision board.

Soon after you start the work, you will realize how difficult to imagine specific things on the first section. Here are some viewpoints that will make it easier for you to imagine.

  • Where do you live? (City or countryside? Detached house or apartment? How is your room like?)
  • What is your job? When do you work?
  • How are you looking like? (Figure, appearance, fashion, etc.)
  • What skills do you have?
  • How do you spend in weekdays or on weekend?

Even though I set up the goals for the second section, I didn't want to make a strict board, so I decided to put things that make me feel exciting. The things I put on my vision board are like:

  • Camping (I want to start a solo camping.)
  • Landscape of the city in Denmark (I used to study as an exchange student before, and I want to visit again. I also want to see my friends in Europe.)
  • My favorite interiors (The room is close to my ideal lifestyle.)
  • Something related to travels (I want to work while travelling around the world.)
  • Women who look close to my ideal appearance
  • Something related to Chinese (I want to travel around Chinese-speaking countries without using English.)


After you decide the elements, find images on Pinterest. I found ones that were closed to my imagination.


And make a collage on Canva.


For Chinese, I put this quote. I have been learning Chinese since I visited Taiwan in September. Next time when I visit, I want to order at restaurants in Chinese, and to communicate with local people in their language.


I changed the wallpaper on my computer to the vision board. I love it more than I expected.

Every time when I open my laptop, I see the vision board, which makes my feeling for the future stay positive. I truly recommend that you make one.

Enjoying winter time at home


After returning from the Hokkaido trip, I have been into handicraft these days. Recently, I made felt ornaments for Christmas using some stitches of embroidery that I learnt. I remember that I was also involved in felt handcraft when I was a child.


I placed them on the wall. Although I used inexpensive materials and items I already had, they look good. (Those imperfect hand-stitches somehow look lovely?)


The other day, I visited IKEA to look for some inspiration for Christmas decoration.


I'm thinking to buy a small tree in my room.


After I returned to Sendai from IKEA, I bought materials for embroidery at Mabuchi. I really love the moment when I pick up colors from hundreds of embroidery threads. Embroidery seems like a good hobby since it doesn't cost so much, and it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you finish.


At night, I went Jozenji Street to see the illuminations where every year I come. When I was living in Tokyo, I visited here when I went back to hometown in year-end and new year holidays.


This scenery makes me feel like the end of the year. I'm happy to come this year too.


I felt like grabbing some drink, so I stopped by Pront in Aoba Street. It was my first time to come at night. You can see the street from the window seats, and it has a cozy atmosphere for people visiting alone. The person next to me was also a woman.


The next day on Sunday, I spent at home. Using threads that I bought the day before, I worked on embroidery. I loved the color of these roses that I bought recently, so I made the pattern of the flowers on embroidery.



Although there were still many things I wanted to fix, I finished working. Next time, I want to try other stitches since I want to make the leaves look more sophisticated.

Flowers in a vase will wither some day, but if I change them into embroidery, I can leave them as they are.