March 10, 2024

Wandering into the Forest Shrouded in White Mist: A Day in Hakone


Experiencing the crowded morning trains of Tokyo after such a long time felt like diving back into the hustle and bustle of city life. Pushed and squeezed amid the throngs of people, I finally arrived at Shinjuku Station. Since I've grown accustomed to the lifestyle of remote work, the morning commute on trains feels challenging for me now. From Shinjuku, I switched to the Odakyu express train, and in just under two hours, I arrived at Hakone-Yumoto Station.

I wonder when was the last time I came to Hakone. I remember taking a day trip to Hakone alone during my university days when I went to Tokyo to visit my friends. My sister started working in Hakone from this year, so I came to see her, also to see how she is doing.


I met up with my sister and we boarded the mountain climbing railway. This train is one of the top mountain railways in Japan, steadily ascending steep slopes while making repeated switchbacks along the way. As we got deeper into the mountains, the landscape slowly became enveloped in mist.


We got off at Miyanoshita Station and headed to a restaurant for lunch. They offered a prix-fixe lunch course where you could choose your appetizer, pasta, and dessert. What's pictured here is the pasta with white turnip and squid ink. The tender turnip was absolutely delicious.


The restaurant also demonstrated attention to detail even in their choice of plates. When I ordered the garden-themed tiramisu for dessert and saw the spoon shaped like a shovel, it brought me a smile. Their dish had a playful touch.


After filling our stomachs and leaving the restaurant, the fog seemed to grow even thicker around us.



In the afternoon, we headed to the Pola Museum of Art. Originally, we planned to visit the Hakone Open-Air Museum if the weather was clear, but unfortunately, it was raining. So, we changed our plans and went to this museum where we could enjoy indoor exhibits. The scenery of the white mist reflected in the large glass windows resembled a scene from a framed painting.


After finishing viewing the exhibition, we decided to take a stroll along the outdoor promenade. Amidst the gentle drizzle, we ventured deeper into the forest. Just a few meters ahead, everything turned completely white. Our voices and body heat seemed to be swallowed up by this thick fog, enveloping us entirely.



We also found trees with peculiar patterns that looked as if they had been filled in with paint. Walking through this misty world, the raindrops dripping from the branches of trees appeared like blossoms of gemstones. It felt as if we had wandered into a completely different realm.


Upon returning to Hakone-Yumoto, it had already grown dark. The glow of lanterns outside shops illuminated the area, while the plum blossoms illuminated by streetlights faintly stood out against the darkness. The night atmosphere of the hot spring town was imbued with charm.


After the hot springs, we toasted with non-alcoholic beer.

Originally, I had planned to return to Tokyo on a day trip, but I felt too lazy to leave, so I decided to spend the night in the rest area until morning. I bid farewell to my sister there.


The next morning, I stopped by Tamadare Shrine located near the hot spring facility before heading back to Tokyo.

The sight of the waterfall, with its multiple branches of water cascading down, was incredibly beautiful and left me feeling pure and serene. Reflecting on how it had taken many years to form its current appearance, I couldn't help but contemplate the limited time we humans have to live.

The reclining seats in the rest area were extremely uncomfortable, and I could hardly get any sleep. Back in my college days, I used to go on budget trips all the time, staying in cheap dormitories or spending nights in airports abroad, and I could sleep anywhere without any issue. However, now I realize that it's not as easy as it used to be.


Is this an early-blooming cherry blossom? It seems like spring is just around the corner.


I brought back some spring water from near Tamadare Shrine, and when I returned to the hotel, I brewed coffee with this water. Despite feeling a bit sleep-deprived, I worried if my body would hold up until the evening plans. However, drinking the coffee in this hazy state of mind made its taste feel somewhat special.